Willerby Aspen Lodge decking

Here's one of our recent Autumn 2016 Commissions. A grand timber deck to match this equally grand Willerby Aspen Lodge.

Willerby Aspen Lodge decking

The lodge owners planned their upgrade with us from scratch, which started with taking down the old decking before removing their previous caravan; nothing went to waste, how's this for a pile of fire wood!

decking off cuts

Decking frame work

With a stream running along one side and a lawn on the other side, we wanted a deck that would allow the clients to enjoy both sides of the lodge. We also wanted a large area at the front of the deck, for which we built a 3.6x9.6 meter area. 

Timber deck drone photos

Next up, the front shed will be getting an upgrade...

Timber decking Wales and UK

The deck was finished off with 6"x1" boxing with inch gaps. Allowing air flow under the deck and the caravan is a must! 

Thanks for taking a look, for a free timber decking quote in the UK please give us a call or send us an email

Shem :-)